1. I (Moti Arusi broker with International Realty Firm, Inc., Brokerage) offering to FSBO (For Sale By Owner), a free website
with a domain name that matches the address of the property (home number and street name) which will be active
for a maximum of one year.
2. The homeowner will upload all the information about the property by themselves. It can include pictures, a description of the property and any material that they think will help them in selling their home for the top dollar.
3. The seller understands and with their signature confirms that they are the only ones taking full responsibility for all the content that is published/uploaded on the website.
4. Moti Arusi is not obligated to provide any real estate services to the seller/sellers. His consultation/website is an offer of goodwill (on a voluntary basis) which can end at any time.
5. The seller/sellers are not obligated to the agent, and any business conducted between both parties is based on a mutual level of respect, trust, and appreciation
Offer Valid Until 30/9/2021